

Apr 17, 2010:

8:07 PM Changeset [09b7c26]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Ignore some more files
7:58 PM Changeset [0f53aae]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Generally improve user account display When testing, it can be …
5:58 PM Changeset [ea76b01]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Check for bits before displaying reporting links
5:43 PM Ticket #5 (Notify on various events) closed by adehnert
fixed: Eh. In practice, this is done enough that it's now more of a guiding …
4:41 PM Changeset [a875cb6]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Show number of vouchers on summary page
4:41 PM Changeset [f8a5e4b]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Error out if downloader gets HTML

Apr 12, 2010:

2:32 PM Changeset [36d2293]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Use 30 character usernames to match Django Originally, we limited …

Apr 2, 2010:

11:36 AM Ticket #20 (Use more groups to ease permission management) closed by adehnert
fixed: At this point useful groups are beginning to exist. Admins should …
11:34 AM Changeset [dfcab53]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Use the finance_core.use_reporting permission
11:21 AM Changeset [e02a4b2]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Auto-apply 'mit' and 'autocreated' groups This resolves the "we need …
10:42 AM Ticket #15 (Approving requests marks documentation upload as in error) closed by adehnert
fixed: Done. […]
10:42 AM Changeset [b34d568]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Only process doc upload when somebody asks for it (Trac: #15)
10:33 AM Ticket #14 (Reporting link on the homepage) closed by adehnert
fixed: […]
10:33 AM Ticket #24 (Summary page should include time) closed by adehnert
fixed: Done. […]
10:32 AM Changeset [23138c0]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Display time on summary page (Trac: #24)
10:23 AM Changeset [80d1270]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Add reporting link to homepage (Trac: #14)

Mar 31, 2010:

12:18 AM Ticket #24 (Summary page should include time) created by adehnert
At the start of every set of vouchers is a summary page which I try to …

Mar 30, 2010:

5:25 AM Ticket #23 (Add an API) created by adehnert
Web interfaces are all very well and good, but being able to script …
5:06 AM Ticket #22 (Allow committee chairs or equivalent to approve requests) created by adehnert
At the moment, the treasurer is the only person to approve requests. …
5:04 AM Ticket #21 (Sync permissions with Moira) created by adehnert
At the moment, there's no real way to link what you can do with Remit …
5:02 AM Ticket #20 (Use more groups to ease permission management) created by adehnert
At the moment, there's no attempt to grant permissions on anything …
4:59 AM Ticket #19 (Remit should store more dates) created by adehnert
Reimbursement requests should include: * Date incurred * Date …
4:56 AM Ticket #18 (Integrate with the Data Warehouse) created by adehnert
It would be really neat to integrate with the data warehouse and …
4:55 AM Ticket #17 (Handle ecat3 purchases better) created by adehnert
At the moment, it isn't very obvious how to record an ecat3 purchase. …
4:53 AM Ticket #16 (Allow generation of additional voucher types) created by adehnert
It should be possible to generate: * Payments to companies * JV …
4:50 AM WikiStart edited by adehnert
Exhort other people to try it (diff)

Mar 29, 2010:

11:09 AM Ticket #15 (Approving requests marks documentation upload as in error) created by adehnert
I'm not totally sure why this happens, but when I approve a …
5:11 AM Ticket #14 (Reporting link on the homepage) created by adehnert
There's no reporting link on the homepage, which means that if you're …
5:01 AM WikiStart edited by adehnert
Remit 0.3 (diff)
4:37 AM Changeset [0a5a003]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Validate as PDF-only
3:22 AM Changeset [f7dd5e7]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Let voucher recipients see requests as well

Mar 28, 2010:

10:42 PM Ticket #13 (Create a scripts.mit.edu auto-installer) created by adehnert
scripts.mit.edu now supports out-of-tree auto-installers. Remit should …
2:33 PM Ticket #1 (Allow uploading documentation) closed by adehnert
fixed: It occurs to me that basically everyone running this is likely to be …
2:28 PM Changeset [ef500c1]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Finish marking things as optional
2:23 PM Changeset [72a92e0]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Mailing address and documentation can be blank
1:56 PM Changeset [a75ed9b]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Finish documentation support? (Trac: #1)
6:35 AM Changeset [dc17b01]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
WIP WIP WIP: Start of doc upload
5:40 AM Changeset [3111c8a]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Switch to using Django South for migrations
2:48 AM Ticket #3 (Add balance-calculating abilities) closed by adehnert
fixed: A reporting page was merged into master in …
2:47 AM Ticket #12 (Reporting page should show per-account subtotals) created by adehnert
A page exists for generating reports (#3), but it doesn't let you get …
2:46 AM Changeset [1204352]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Merge branch 'balances'

Mar 27, 2010:

11:12 PM Changeset [c1d9650]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
The expense accounts always apply
10:59 PM Changeset [ea32cd9]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
The plural of axis is axes
10:58 PM Changeset [1c178d5]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Oops. Punt some commented code.
10:54 PM Changeset [a838ee3]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Add row and column totals
9:27 PM Changeset [d1692e8]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Finally completely punt the old-style annotate
8:26 PM Changeset [18149fd]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Add new valannotate method to replace annotate
6:53 PM Changeset [47bb508]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Clarify code slightly
6:53 PM Changeset [2542022]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Improve the tests
6:47 PM Changeset [193dfcd]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Clearer configuration area
5:03 PM Changeset [c968555]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Improve filtering by layer and area
5:03 PM Changeset [ae83758]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Improved testing
3:59 PM Changeset [ee37f93]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Oops. Q uses "|", not "or".
3:34 PM Changeset [8a0d18c]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
WIP: Add form for selecting parameters
2:47 PM Changeset [dd2c3d9]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Allow filtering by term
2:33 PM Changeset [ca03565]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Allow BudgetTerm? as an axis
7:14 AM Changeset [3d00b0a]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Table-driven axes
5:21 AM Changeset [eae6ea8]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Punt some debugging print statements
3:48 AM Changeset [162f527]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Start of giving options for the axis
1:57 AM Changeset [83d9608]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Add test for reporting aggregate and annotate should return the same …
1:57 AM Changeset [13e7c01]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Minor refactoring of the reporting code

Mar 24, 2010:

6:34 AM Changeset [3f1e074]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Calculate totals using annotate, not aggregate For reports like "all …
5:13 AM Changeset [ed4ccc7]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Add basic reporting (Trac #3)

Mar 23, 2010:

7:55 PM Changeset [86817cf]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
BudgetArea? lives in finance_core, not vouchers

Mar 20, 2010:

6:36 AM WikiStart edited by adehnert
Announce 0.1, 0.2 (diff)
5:57 AM Ticket #11 (Pull data from user, not certificate) closed by adehnert
fixed: […]
5:54 AM Changeset [37c15c4]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Pull defaults from user object not certificate In order to make Remit …
5:48 AM Ticket #6 (More useful display in admin interface) closed by adehnert
fixed: […]
5:47 AM Changeset [c020a3b]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Make admin list pages useful (Closes: #6)
5:34 AM Ticket #9 (Notify submitter when their request is approved or printed) closed by adehnert
wontfix: This is closed "enough" by #10.
5:33 AM Ticket #10 (Send form emails) closed by adehnert
fixed: This is closed by: […] Currently we support sending an email …
5:31 AM Changeset [e8550be]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Allow sending certain stock emails (Closes: #10)
4:05 AM Changeset [14adb6b]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Include subject prefix in submittal notifications
4:05 AM Changeset [3f34670]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
"Remit: UA" is more understandable than "Remit UA"
3:59 AM Changeset [3bf063c]client by Alex Dehnert <adehnert@…>
Make vouchers/emails/ template directory & use it
1:57 AM Ticket #11 (Pull data from user, not certificate) created by adehnert
Currently, a bunch of information (default reimbursee and signatory) …
12:00 AM Milestone 0.2 completed
Remit version 0.2 should get rid of a bunch of the low-hanging fruit …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.